Delivery time.
We ship all orders using Australia Post. As an estimate - please allow between 3-8 working days before your order arrives. When your order ships you will receive an email containing the tracking number and information you require to check the status of your order. Please keep this information for reference until your order arrives.
If your purchase is urgent, please pay the $16 for express postage.
We aim to dispatch orders within 48 hours. Estimated delivery times are to be used as a guide only. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to goods occurring in transit.
If you have not received your items within 10 business days of making your order please email us with your full name and order number and we will look into your delivery immediately. In most cases this means that an attempted delivery has occurred and that your parcel is waiting for you at your nearest post office for collection, or Australia Post is having a hard time keeping up with the online shopping world.
Tracking your order. Once your order is packed and leaves our warehouse you will receive an email with a tracking number to track your parcel with Australia Post.
Once the orders have left our premises we do not accept responsibility for lost or stolen parcels. We recommend sending regular post articles to either a post office box or business should your home be unattended during the day. We will help you as much as we can when it comes to this.
International orders are picked and packed the same way as our domestic orders but please allow a minimum of 14 days for the parcel to arrive. We are based in Australia and sometimes because we are so remote it does take a little extra time.
If you have any questions before proceeding with your order please contact us so we can help you.